Direct Consolidation Application



How to use the PDF Generator

Upload Files:

You have two options:

Option 1: Upload Both PDF and TXT Files

  1. If you have a PDF file containing pre-filled borrower data, click the “Choose .PDF” button.

  2. Select the PDF file from your device’s storage.

  3. Click the “Choose .TXT” button.

  4. Choose the TXT file that includes borrower data and loan information.

  5. The tool will read borrower data from the PDF file and loan data from the TXT file. Bare in mind that loan data included in the PDF will be ignored. Same for borrower data included in the TXT file.

Option 2: Upload Only the TXT File

  1. Click the “Upload TXT” button.

  2. Choose the TXT file that includes borrower data and loan information.

Click “Submit” button to review data.

Borrower Data:

  • Review the borrower data displayed on the screen for accuracy.

  • Edit any missing or incorrect borrower information as needed.

Select Loans to Consolidate:

  • The tool will display a list of loans from the uploaded TXT file.

  • Choose which loans you want to consolidate by clicking the corresponding button bellow each loan.

Generate and Download PDF:

  • Click the “Download PDF” button.

  • The tool will create a new PDF document with the borrower data, including any edits you made, and the selected loan consolidation choices.

Final Review:

  • Open the downloaded PDF to ensure all information is correct.

  • If any corrections are needed, make them manually on the PDF using your preferred PDF editor, or start again the entire process.

Contact for More Information:

If you need further assistance or have questions, please feel free to contact We will be happy to provide you with additional information and support.

Upload files

For additional guidance or if you require further instructions, please refer to the section below.

PDF file

*TXT file